PHP 5.3 is approaching fast, so let's conclude our dealings with
magical quotes... this should be the last time. Please have a look at
the following RFC and discuss it within this thread.

  Magic Quotes in PHP 5.3 and beyond

It recommends changes to both 5_3 and 6_0 branches, namely, removing
E_DEPRECATED from the get_ magical quote functions. Silence means
you're okay with the RFC being implemented.

Why should we leave get_magic_quotes_gpc()? If someone wants to be
backwards compatible, just use
if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') and @get_magic_quotes_gpc())
Let's just add this to the manual, and everything is fine.

We leave it because it's a developer friendly function that people use. The checking of this feature is not deprecated, but rather, the feature itself is deprecated and will be removed. And asking people to update past and present code because we don't want the string "magic_quotes" in php-src doesn't sound like much fun.

I don't see a problem with this at all and it has the advantage of
allowing use to remove all the traces of magic quotes in 6. Magic quotes
are considered a bad practice for a long time.

That's why good developers check for it, and why we shouldn't punish them for that. These E_* errors (and formally proposed removal outright) equal punishment. Also note that magic_quotes_gpc is enabled by default... even in PHP 5.3. So people have always checked for it, and will continue to do so, and we already have get_magic_quotes_*() so let's keep it with no E_rrors. Of course setting MQ is a totally different story.

cu, Lars
P.S.: Silence agrees doesn't work, silence is void.

In this case all silence would have done is temporarily move the conversation to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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