Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> I see absolutely no reason to force people to go through and change:
> if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc())
> to:
> if (!function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') || !get_magic_quotes_gpc())
> when there is no technical reason to force them to do so.  It is slower,
> more verbose and completely useless.

I whole-heartedly agree.

To the others: please examine this from a practical instead of a
philosophical position.

What is the problem that needs solving?

 * magic_quotes_gpc escapes input, which is bad.

How to fix it?

 * disable magic_quotes_gpc = on, disable set_magic_quotes_gpc(1)

Implicit in this statement is that the problem is *not*:

 * Users use get_magic_quotes_gpc() check whether this faulty ini is
enabled, and set_magic_quotes_gpc(off) only if it is enabled.

If we take the step of removing the get_magic_quotes_gpc() function, or
of adding an E_DEPRECATED, we make upgrading to PHP 5.3 harder, for no

As a side note, the silent majority (developers who do not post to this
list) were represented at php|tek, and the few I spoke to about the way
magic_quotes is being handled unequivocally agreed with my assessment
for the exact same reasons.

I strongly encourage everyone to do a realistic tradeoff analysis and
come to understand why Rasmus's solution is the only possible solution
to this problem that both solves the *actual* problem and has real
benefit to existing well-written applications.


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