On 7-Jul-09, at 8:43 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

That doesn't really change the timing, especially since you said you
have been using it for 2 years. Why pick the week after the 5.3 release
to propose it for 5.3?  It makes very little sense to me, and I think
consensus is building that we aren't going to add this to 5.3.

I wish I had time to post the patch sooner, but timing was such that it was not an option. Plus people have tried to post the same functionality before there was patch from Hannes back in 2006, a full RFC by Fellipe in 2008 (with patch) and now my attempt in 2009. After some discussions at the developer meeting in Chicago and seeing that there was a substantial interest in the feature I've cleaned up the code and posted the patch.

I think half the people who voted +1 didn't realize you were seriously
thinking of pushing it into 5.3

Well, its only Tuesday there is plenty of time for people to change their mind (like some already have). Agreeably its a major decisions and I think everyone would agree it should not hinge on 1-2 votes either way, there has to be a substantial "let it in" consensus for it to go in.


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