On Mar 14, 2010, at 12:58 PM, David Soria Parra wrote:
>> I would also like to bring up another point. Since we are now on SVN (and 
>> there are nice bridges to DVCS for those that want to use them), we can now 
>> also more easily enable developers to work on complex or risky features in a 
>> branch instead of trunk. So for example if we feel like it will take us too 
>> long to come up with a unicode plan, then I would suggest to leave it out 
>> the next release and simply have the people that have an idea for an 
>> approach create a branch and work things out there. This way normal 
>> development in trunk can commence.
> Yes experimental branching shouldn't be a problem. I persoanlly would prefer 
> if we just create php-src/experimental/ or php-src/developer/<name>/<branch> 
> for this purpuse to not clutter branches/ with a million names.

I'd actually like to bring up the question of going to DVCS for PHP. I know I 
was a vocal advocate against it before, but I've learned a bit since then. 
Anyone care to discuss?

-- Gwynne

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