
If possible, could you look at the patch and give me high level ideas
of what could be changed?

If the patch is the same RFC that is at https://wiki.php.net/rfc/annotations, the same problems that were voiced a number of times on the list stay:

- it is overly complex (see class User example - it's really a piece of code, I think it should be in the code)
- it introduces method call syntax not compatible with the rest of PHP
- it introduces object instantiation syntax not compatible with the rest of PHP

These issues were mentioned before - were they fixed?
The RFC also does not clarify where the code contained in annotations is run and how it would play with bytecode caches.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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