On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Chad Fulton <chadful...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:
> > *IS* it clear by now that the majority of users want this?
> For what it's worth, I still oppose Annotations.
> > And the argument
> > that 'You don't have to use it' does not wash either since once it has
> been
> > pushed in, some of the libraries we are using are going to start
> requiring
> > it simply because those developers do like the idea, but it does not
> > necessarily mean that THE CURRENT PROPOSAL is the right way of doing it?
> I especially oppose the complexity of the current proposal. One of the
> reasons I prefer PHPDoc to the proposed Annotations is because they're
> a simple key=>value syntax.

that would be the same argument that we don't need objects because we have
arrays, and if you only need something to store your structures, then both
can be used for that.

> I'm already doing my coding in PHP - why do I have to code in a new
> sub-language when all I want is a litte bit of meta-data?

nobody is forcing you to use annotations, it won't replace the docblocks.

> My main question is: Why do we need more than key=>value? When you say
> that "everyone" supports annotations (if that is true), are you sure
> they actually want more than key=>value?

at least Doctrine, Symfony and FLOW3 does.
Sebastian expressed that he is fine with the current Docblock support for
the FLOW3 used to use single key values in the past, but I'm not familiar
with the current situation.

for actual use-cases you can check

> Discussion of this does not seem to appear in your "Why do we need
> Class Metadata?" section.

I also think that it would be a good idea to link or describe annotations in
general, because it seems that nobody bothers to read that up without
joining the conversation...


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