On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:
> *IS* it clear by now that the majority of users want this?

For what it's worth, I still oppose Annotations.

> And the argument
> that 'You don't have to use it' does not wash either since once it has been
> pushed in, some of the libraries we are using are going to start requiring
> it simply because those developers do like the idea, but it does not
> necessarily mean that THE CURRENT PROPOSAL is the right way of doing it?

I especially oppose the complexity of the current proposal. One of the
reasons I prefer PHPDoc to the proposed Annotations is because they're
a simple key=>value syntax.

I'm already doing my coding in PHP - why do I have to code in a new
sub-language when all I want is a litte bit of meta-data?

My main question is: Why do we need more than key=>value? When you say
that "everyone" supports annotations (if that is true), are you sure
they actually want more than key=>value?

Discussion of this does not seem to appear in your "Why do we need
Class Metadata?" section.

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