Personally, I think focusing on a character savings is the wrong
reason to take on any problem.  I don't care how long it takes for me
to type code.  I don't care how much extra hdd space it takes.  But
what I do care about is how readable it is.

To me, the array shortcut syntax is pointless.  Do you really mean to
tell me that `[1, 2]` is more readable/easier to understand than
`array(1,2)`?  To me, it's about a wash.

However, the object shortcut syntax is a major win.  For example:

$person = new stdClass();
$person->city = 'ogden';
$person->state = 'ut';
$perspn->country = 'usa';
$person->favoriteNumbers = array(4, 12, 37, 42);
$person->unluckyNumbers = array(6, 13, 21);
$person->likesPhp = 'very much so';


$person =  { 'name' => 'Justin',
   'city' => 'ogden',
   'state' => 'ut',
   'country' => 'usa',
   'favoriteNumbers' => [ 4, 12, 37, 42],
   'unluckyNumbers' => [ 6, 13, 21],
   'likesPhp' => 'very much so'

Did you notice what happened there?  There's two differences.  Try to
find them.  Neither would be possible with the shortcut syntax.

Now, the only reason I would personally support the array shortcut is
if it was an implementation of JSON.  I know that's not on the table
here, but that's the only benefit I can see to implementing a shortcut
for arrays (that would save 5 characters per instance).

Just my $0.02...


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Justin Carmony <> wrote:
> To address the soapbox:
> Its not just to reduce the five characters at the beginning, but when you 
> have more complex structures as well. There was already a great example shown 
> ( of 
> that. Also, if object support is added (which we need to add to the RFC), you 
> can cut down on a lot more verbose code, especially with objects.
> $person = { 'name' => 'Justin',
>    'city' => 'ogden',
>    'state' => 'ut',
>    'country' => 'usa',
>    'favoriteNumbers' => [ 4, 12, 37, 42],
>    'unluckyNumbers' => [ 6, 13, 21],
>    'likesPhp' => 'very much so'
> };
> Characters: 192
> Current way:
> $person = new stdClass();
> $person->city = 'ogden';
> $person->state = 'ut';
> $person->country = 'usa';
> $person->favoriteNumbers = array(4, 12, 37, 42);
> $person->unluckyNumbers = array(6, 13, 21);
> $person->likesPhp = 'very much so';
> Characters: 229
> That is a 37 character difference. But the real driving factor is given PHP's 
> lack of named parameter syntax, passing objects and arrays (or sometimes a 
> mix, depending on the framework) is becoming very popular. So not only do you 
> save some typing just once, but if you use this pattern a lot, you save a lot 
> of typing over your entire project. Also, when dealing with objects, I have 
> to make sure I retype "person" correctly each time. If I don't, I'll get a 
> notice error. But with the new syntax, it'll throw a parsing error so I can 
> know a lot quicker what my issue is.
> As for syntax highlighters, IDEs, books, etc all being outdated, first off no 
> one is suggesting to deprecate the array() function. So you will only use 
> this new syntax if you choose to do so. Second, we broke syntax highlighters, 
> IDEs, and so forth when we introduced namespaces, and every IDE and syntax 
> highlighter I used updated very quickly to support them. I'm assuming the 
> IDEs spent a great deal more time adding Namespacing support than it will to 
> support a short syntax for arrays and objects.
> PHP has made short syntax for other things, such a if statement short codes. 
> Yet many books don't cover it, since it is one of those things you read in 
> the documentation later and decide "Do I want to use this?" No one is forcing 
> anyone to use (1 == 1 ? true : false) type of if/then logic. The same will 
> work with the new syntax.
> My two cents.
> Justin
> On Jun 1, 2011, at 2:37 PM, Michael Shadle wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Pierre Joye <> wrote:
>>> I modified the vote page, pls move your votes to the desired syntax
>>> (or global -1)
>> This is a good idea to group things like this.
>> Back on the soapbox. All of this is just to reduce typing "array" (5
>> characters) before things?
>> Old:
>> $foo = array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd');
>> More than likely new:
>> $foo = ['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd'];
>> 5 character difference for each array being saved. That's it. At the
>> expense of syntax highlighters, IDEs, books, all becoming outdated and
>> need to be updated. For a language construct that has been around for
>> what, 10 years?
>> Oh, and for anyone desiring a ":" for this new shorthand, why stop at
>> array shorthand. Why not change this from:
>> foreach($foo as $key => $val)
>> To:
>> foreach($foo as $key: $val)
>> That would save one character for each array iteration like that.
>> Also - if we're worried about saving characters and shorthand why not
>> just remove the "$" language construct? That's a LOT of keystrokes. In
>> my WordPress install, that's 75,412 characters saved. Versus 6,960
>> "array(" matches, which would save 34,800 characters.
>> These were quick examples from a coworker. Just another PHP user who
>> said "wait why would they make another way to express an array?"
>> --
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