Am 06.09.2011 21:33, schrieb Stas Malyshev:

Any new PHP major release is about setting new directions. I, Andrey and
Johannes, the guys maintaining ext/*mysql* recommend going mysqlnd after
an "incubation" of some four years (5.3x series + dev time).

My concern was also that making mysqlnd the default would make libmysql
support considered secondary and unimportant. As I was assured it is not
the case and the differences between mysqlnd and libmysql flavors seem
to be rectified or in the process of being rectified, and I heard no
objections for this as a default, I'm OK with it now.


Removing libmysql support would be crazy. Not only from a PHP perspective but also from a MySQL one. For PHP it is a must-have fallback option. For MySQL the PHP stuff is a nice libmysql test drive. Not a welcome job among the mysqlnd fan boys, as you noticed. But then, sometimes we count mysqlnd vs. libmysql issues...


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