Hi Stas,
On 09/02/2011 10:44 PM, Stas Malyshev wrote:

On 9/2/11 1:41 PM, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
I think you missed the referenced [1]:

[1] Yes, we will still allow building with libmysql and we will fix bugs
reported there and we will verify it works but focus on mysqlnd, as
we're actually handling it already

I did not miss it - I do not see what it means. Either we support both -
and then for the matter of development and testing nothing changes - or
something changes, namely "we remove one moving piece out of the test
equation", the moving piece being libmysql - and "remove" means
"remove". I just don't see how you can have both of these things at the
same time.

the problem is that libmysql breaks, maybe more often than mysqlnd does. We rarely find bugs in mysqli, there are two codepaths in mysqli. If there is a bug in libmysql, what do you want: - SKIP, because either libmysql or the server is buggy, but many tests do skip and does anyone read the skip messages? But your environment is buggy, which means that your application will possibly FAIL. Instead of finding, that your environment is _broken_ you will skip this information. Good luck finding later that you hit a bug, which other knew about but you did not get that info, because of SKIP - FAIL, and one does look at the failures. You might then notice that your libmysql and/or server is buggy. You might do something, check for existing bug, see if it is fixed and possible update or at least you can try to assess what the impact on you it will have.


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