On 13/03/12 00:25, Stas Malyshev wrote:
> Hi!
>> Still, that API is likely wrong: a library function written by someone
>> completely unrelated to the main application shouldn't be echoing
>> anything through the output. And if it's not generating the html, the
>> htmlspecialchars is better done from the return at the calling
>> application (probably after converting the internal charset).
> Again, you making a huge amount of assumptions about how ALL the
> applications must work, which means you are wrong in 99.(9)% of cases,
> because there's infinitely many applications which don't work exactly
> like yours does, and we have no idea how they work.
No. I'm saying how I consider they should work, saying that an API doing
otherwise is likely* wrong (aka. has a bad design), very much as I'd
consider insane a company policy stating "PHP function arguments shall
be named $a, $b, $c...".
That's obviously my opinion, but I think most applications will conform
to that, just as most apps will use more descriptive argument names than

* There might be some very very special application where it turns out
to be an appropiate design, but that would be the exception.
** Even though there are 26!/(26-n)! ways to name so badly the arguments
of a n-ary function.

> The main point is that having global state (and yet worse, changeable
> global state) significantly influence how basic functions are working
> is dangerous. It's like keeping everything in globals and instead of
> passing parameters between functions just change some globals and
> expect functions to pick it up.
I agree with you, in the general case. Yet, I consider the html charset
to be a global state. And passing the global variables as parameters on
each function call would be nearly as bad as passing parameters as globals.
I just positioned the opposite way for parse_str(), while being fully
aware of that.

>> Such interfaces may be well served by switching the setting many times.
> That's exactly what I am trying to avoid, and you are just
> illustrating why this proposal is dangerous - because that's exactly
> what is going to happen in the code, instead of passing proper
> arguments to htmlspecialchars people will start changing INI settings
> left and right, and then nobody would know what htmlspecialchars()
> call actually does without tracking all the INI changes along the way.
That's assuming people would need to use different output charsets,
which I don't consider to be the case. How many people is using now the
third htmlspecialchars() parameter?
What makes you think that they would need to change the default global,
*several times per request*?

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