On 08/25/2012 10:07 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>>> Andrew Faulds wrote:
>>>>> >>>Personally I have to live with real life, and just want to help
>>>>> >>>change that
>>>>> >>>situation.
>>>> >>Me too. My code relies on out-of-date extensions and PHP features,
>>>> >>which is why
>>>> >>I'm*refactoring*  and*rewriting*  the parts which do.
>>> >
>>> >Exactly what I've been doing for the last year ... INCLUDING PEAR
>>> >At the expense of adding NEW facilities for my customers.
>>> >But with the goal posts continuing to be moved forward, it would be
>>> nice
>>> >to have a goal to aim at? Which is why I'm asking for one ...
>> Well, there won't be one. If anything we are trying to move faster. More
>> frequent smaller releases is the goal. The 3 years between 5.2 and 5.3
>> was way too long.
> So why is moving all new work to PHP6 and introducing a freeze on PHP5.4
> such a problem? In hindsight PHP5.4 SHOULD have been PHP6. We also need
> to be able to have stability that we can aim for in production.
> Loading up a new set of rework requirements to often just means that
> previous work never gets finished :(

Those are just numbers and 5.4 is already frozen. We are only fixing
bugs in it.


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