> Some people asked me what the advantages of using an AST-based
> parsing/compilation process are, so I put together a few quick notes
> in an RFC:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/ast_based_parsing_compilation_process
> It would be nice to get a few comments from other core devs on this.

Pardon my obviously amateur question, but would you build an AST-based 
compiler/parser to generate the same (minus the ones you intend to eliminate) 
opcodes to run on the VM in the same way as the current compiler does?

Would tools like XDebug, APC, Zend PHP encoder (or whatever that's called this 
week), etc. be compatible out of the box, or would changes need to be made to 

Also, here is a potential starting point if you're less allergic to OCaml than 
I am: https://github.com/facebook/pfff


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