
First off, let me say welcome and thanks for the contribution!

I have a couple of questions around the intended proposal.

1. How do you plan on handling the case where there are multiple catch

    try {
    } catch {
    } catch {

2. You mention as a benefit "Better possibilities for static analysis
tools". Can you elaborate on this? I don't see how this sort of a change
would have any effect (as catch would be the same as the existing `catch
(\Exception $e)`)...

3. What benefit short of not having to type `(\Exception $e)` would this
have? Populating the symbol table is extremely cheap at this stage, because
the variable is already compiled in (so no hash table lookup or anything).

Additionally, I would recommend changing the version target to 5.NEXT
(which would be 5.6 in practice).

As far as my personal feelings, I'd like to get some other commentary first.

Thanks again!!!


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