> We (HHVM) ran into this issue as well.  We'd talk about the way PHP (the
> reference implementation) does something and needed to disambiguate it
> from
> PHP (the language syntax).

I think it's easy enough to talk about 'PHP' and the 'PHP language
specification' or shorten it up as 'PHP spec'.

Other opensource languages that have multiple implementations, still have
the 'official' release with the original name, while other implementations
have separate, different names that implement 'the XYZ language' or  'the
ABC spec'.

E.g., there's Jython, Cython, PyPy - but the original Python is still

Whatever php.net ships, be it based on ZE, hhvm or something else, should be
called PHP.  It's a lot more than just something that implements the spec -
it's the codebase, build process, extensions, SAPI modules, performance,
memory footprint, bugs, misfeatures, etc. etc. - everything that has to do
with the implementation.

> moniker for this.  Since I've seen that go down very poorly many times in
> the
> past (who here remembers the ZendCon where they included "Zend === PHP"
> on their marketing
> materials?)

I don't recall if it was === or 'is', but regardless, the meaning was
absolutely 'Zend is PHP' (as in everything Zend does is PHP), and not 'PHP
is Zend'.  Regardless, since it was clearly misunderstood by many people we
stopped using it :)


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