On 24 Jul 2014, at 21:23, Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com> wrote:

> CPython is the name of the implementation, but python.org offers you to
> download Python, not CPython.  CPython is an internal name kind of like
> php-src (more or less).  In fact, as an average end user, you'd not know
> about CPython at all.

Of course. So far as users care, CPython is Python. So far as users care, Zend 
PHP/ZPHP/CPHP/php-src/vanilla PHP/whatever is PHP.

However, from an internals perspective, we need to be able to distinguish the 
two and this becomes particularly important now due to HHVM and the 

So, we should decide on a name for the original PHP implementation.
Andrea Faulds

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