On Nov 1, 2014, at 10:27, Xinchen Hui <larue...@php.net> wrote:

> Hey:
> On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Oct 31, 2014 4:57 AM, "John Bafford" <jbaff...@zort.net> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to propose the creation of a team to triage the pull
>> requests on GitHub, to help ensure that the pull requests are handled in a
>> timely manner. I am also volunteering to lead such a team, should the RFC
>> be approved.
>>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/github-pr
>>> PHP’s GitHub repository has over 180 open pull requests. Many of these
>> are bug fixes or new tests that should be incorporated into PHP, but have
>> not been because the PRs aren’t being regularly monitored. As a result, the
>> large number of open pull requests may also be discouraging contributions,
>> as potential contributors may see that pull requests are not being acted on
>> and decline to submit changes.
>> As much as I like the idea I never understood why we do not have them here.
>> Given that many PRs have discussions, it should show up on internals.
>> PS: yes we have a PR list. Which did not work as expected. PRs and
>> discussions in them should not be considered as noises to the internals list
>> Cheers,
> Maybe we should create some tags , like "minor", "critical", "need verify" 
> etc..
> for minors, anyone have time can merge it. (like typo fix).
> thanks

At the moment, I would be wary of trying to do too much at the start. Having a 
process and team in place for getting the PRs triaged is more important than 
also rating PRs for severity. Once we get this going and see how it’s helping 
the overall workflow, we can better consider the best ways to expand from there.

Adding severity labels is certainly something that we can do in the future. I 
do note, though, that bugs.php.net does not appear to have a severity rating; 
tickets are only tracked according to bug/feature/docs/security, and the RFC 
currently has labels for the first three of those. I think if we’re going to 
start adding additional labels that go beyond triage, we’d want to coordinate 
that with bugs.php.net, and that’s getting to be outside of the scope of this 

Also: would we even want to add a label for security? If I’m remembering 
correctly, PHP has a separate (and initially closed) process for tracking 
security issues, so we may not want to advertise that a PR is security related 
until after there’s an official announcement. (I think this also means that PRs 
through GitHub are not likely to be security related. But I’m open to 
comments/suggestions on the matter.)

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