I'll forward this to internals, Chris.

On 28/01/15 18:43, christopher jones wrote:>
> On 1/28/15 9:28 AM, Michael Wallner wrote:
>> On 28/01/15 18:22, christopher jones wrote:
>>> On 1/28/15 9:17 AM, Michael Wallner wrote:
>>>> On 28/01/15 18:01, christopher jones wrote:
>>>>> On 1/28/15 4:17 AM, Michael Wallner wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Discussion has been very low on this topic since it was proposed on
>>>>>> August 19th, so I just opened the vote on the RFC whether to add
>>>>>> pecl_http to the core. The vote will be open until about 12:00 UTC on
>>>>>> Friday, February 6th.
>>>>>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/pecl_http#vote
>>>>> The RFC is almost content free.  What are the pros & cons? If I was
>>>>> voting, I'd have to vote No based purely on lack of info.
>>>> Chris,
>>>> I could have duplicated the manual but for what use?
>>>> Everything else would sound like a cheesy commercial, wouldn't it?
>>>> It's about adding well known, or at least well defined through docs,
>>>> functionality, you have to decide yourself if you want it to be shipped
>>>> with the core.
>>>> I'm not sure it needs supportive prose like a fancy syntax change or a
>>>> new operator.
>>>> pecl_http had its first release exactly 10 years ago and is currently
>>>> ranked within the top 10 PECL extensions with about 50k downloads per
>>>> month for a while now.
>>>> Didn't I say it'll sound cheesy? :)
>>> I firmly believe the RFC should capture the info in some form.  And I
>>> would debate "well known".
>>> I put time & effort into updating the RFC template for a reason!
>> Sure, but I'm actually lost?!
>> What would you like to read in the RFC? What each component does?
>> I'd really appreciate any suggestions.
> Yes.
> And potential porting issues.

You mean between OSes? No issues known. There once was a report about
Solaris, but the affected code has dropped out of the source since.
Every other release Remi catches a tiny gotcha (thanks!).

> And usage numbers

Hard to say. The PECL stats say 50k downloads per month:

> And code base size (so we know what we're getting into)

Big? >20k LOC

> And a stability estimate (you seem to keep making changes)

Thanks god, else it would be dead. Making no changes to software doesn't
mean it's stable, does it?

> And future plans.

Improving on the 90% test code coverage.
Improving performance and memory usage.
Add or improve missing or roughly implemented features.

> And alternative extensions or workarounds if this isn't added.

Duh, seriously?


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