""Pavel Kouril""  wrote in message

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Michael Wallner <m...@php.net> wrote:



just one observation - would be the name of the classes and namespaces
stay the same after merging? I personally find the lowercased
namespace name kinda weird, given that most of code written in PHP
I've seen is using CamelCase.

Just because that most of the code YOU have seen uses CamelCase does not
mean that CamelCase is the "standard". I programmed in other languages for
over 20 years before I switched to PHP, and in those languages the standard
was snake_case. That is the standard I still use, and I will object most
strongly to the notion that I should change the habits of a lifetime just to
suit the personal preferences of a junior programmer. By "junior" I mean
"years of experience", not "job title".

Tony Marston

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