On 3/3/15 6:46 PM, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:

Whether we like it or not, people evaluate languages by matrix like

                              PHP          Ruby            Python
OO support            5               5                  5
Flexible syntax       3               5                  5
AOP support          3               3                  3
DbC                       1              2                  2
API consistency     1               3                  3
API richness          4               4                  4
3rd Party Libs        4               4                  4
Performance          4               3                  3
Security                1               4                   4
Type Safety           1               4                   3

Although this is rough evaluation by me, people would have somewhat similar

API consistency     1               3                  3

And if you add in "dozens of functions have 2 names that do the same thing for 'historical reasons'", that 1 is going to go down to a 0.5, not up. It would be just one more thing for the Ruby biggots to poke fun at PHP for, not something that would quiet them down.

I know you feel strongly about this, but you're not the first. It's counter-productive and won't even address the marketing issue you note.

--Larry Garfield

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