Le mar. 28 avr. 2015 à 20:42, Kalle Sommer Nielsen <ka...@php.net> a écrit :

> I should probably have been faster at replying, but for PHP7 this is a
> no-go. I realize this is a pure internal change and have nothing to do
> with userland, but as currently is, we are in feature freeze and it
> creates a bad precedence between us as a team if we let this through
> now, sorry!

"No go"? Isn't that a bit rough?

That kind of change normally doesn't require an RFC at all. We did one for
documentation purpose instead of just a PR and a mail saying "ok for 7?".

Refusing this because we actually did an RFC to *document* it goes in the
opposite direction of encouraging people to create them.

Isn't this just a documented "no brainer"?


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