
> De: "Nikita Popov" <nikita....@gmail.com>
> For PHP 7 we soft-reserved a number of class names [1] like "numeric", so
> that we have the ability to introduce them as typehints in a 7.x release.
> "Soft" here means that we only document these names as being reserved and
> don't throw an error when they're used.
> I'd like to add "void" to this list, so we have the option to introduce a
> void return type in PHP 7.x. I've seen some disagreement as to whether this
> should be called "void" or "null" - this discussion should be held when an
> RFC comes up, however we need to keep both options open until then.
> (Currently only "null" is reserved.)

May I repeat my arguments to have this reservations enforced by a warning 
message ? 'Soft' reservation
is easier but it is not enough. If we give a special meaning to one of these 
names in a 7.x release,
we will introduce a BC break, whatever the documentation states, because that's 
the definition of a BC
break : software that works fine in 7.0 and does not work the same in 7.x. Do 
we want to guarantee BC on
minor versions ? If we don't enforce a check on reserved class names, IMO, we 
can't. Once again, this is
a short-term half-baked solution we'll pay later.

PS: If you're OK, I am ready to implement the check.



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