On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 11:52 PM, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com>

> On 4/21/16 4:13 PM, Dmitry Stogov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to present an RFC proposing support for native annotation.
>> The naming, syntax and behavior are mostly influenced by HHVM Hack, but
>> not exactly the same.
>> The most interesting difference is an ability to use arbitrary PHP
>> expressions as attribute values.
>> These expressions are not evaluated, but stored as Abstract Syntax Trees,
>> and later may be accessed (node by node) in PHP extensions, preprocessors
>> and PHP scripts their selves. I think this ability may be useful for
>> "Design By Contract", other formal verification systems, Aspect Oriented
>> Programming, etc
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/attributes
>> Note that this approach is going to be native, in contrast to doc-comment
>> approach that uses not well defined syntax, and even not parsed by PHP
>> itself.
>> Additional ideas, endorsement and criticism are welcome.
>> Thanks. Dmitry.
> Thanks, Dmitry!  In concept I am in favor of syntax-native annotations,
> although I have some concerns with the specifics of the proposal.  Thoughts
> in no particular order:
> First, for the getAttributes() reflection method, please oh please don't
> return array-or-false.  That's horrible.  Just return an empty array if
> there aren't any, as that makes getAttributes() entirely type safe and
> saves all callers from a mandatory if-check.  (See
> http://www.garfieldtech.com/blog/empty-return-values for more
> information.)
> The reflection section further indicates that the type of the result is
> variable, which means I cannot know in advance if I'm going to get back a
> scalar or an array.  If we go with this free-form approach, I'd honestly
> prefer to always get back an array, even for single value, so that I can
> always know the type I'm dealing with. (Since I cannot enforce a given
> attribute to be single-value.)
> For the expression example:
> <<test($a  +  $b   >  0)>>
> function  foo($a,  $b)  {
> }
> It is not at all clear to me what scope the annotation's $a and $b exist
> in.  Are the they same $a and $b as in the function signature? If so, what
> happens if I reflect the function before ever calling it?  How can I
> evaluate test?  Or are they inherited from the global scope at the time of
> declaration?  (That scares me a great deal.)  I don't know what to make of
> that at all.

They don't exist in any scope. You get an AST of this expression, what you
do with it is entirely your choosing and you can set the scope/context

> In the "Attribute syntax" section, the text says the tokens are the left
> and right double-angle character, as used for quotations in some European
> languages.  The rest of the text says it's two left/right carrot
> characters, as seen above the comma and period on US keyboards.  I'm
> assuming the former is just a typo/auto-correct bug.
> If I read correctly, the following two would be semantically identical:
> <<One, Two>>
> function foo() {}
> <<One>>
> <<Two>>
> function foo() {}
> Is there a reason you chose the name "attribute" rather than
> "annotations", which seems at least in PHP to be the more common term for
> this type of declaration?
> It appears that the annotations themselves are entirely free-form. At the
> risk of expanding the typing debate, this concerns me as then all we're
> adding is a new way to parse undocumented, undefined anonymous structs.
> How can I say what annotations mean what for my ORM, or routing system, or
> whatever?  We're back to, essentially, out-of-band documentation of big
> anonymous structs (aka associative arrays).
> A more robust alternative would be something along the same lines that
> Doctrine uses: Make annotations actual classes.  To wit:
> <<AThing>>
> <<AnotherThing('stuff')>>
> <<MoreThing(1, 2, 3)>>
> function foo($a, $b) { }

> Where AThing, AnotherThing, and MoreThing are defined classes, and subject
> to namespaces and use statements.  Then what gets returned from
> getAttributes() is an array consisting of an instance of AThing, an
> instance of AnotherThing, and an instance of MoreThing. In this example
> we'd just call their constructors with the listed values and let them do as
> they will.  Doctrine uses named properties in the annotation that maps to
> properties on the object, which is even more flexible and self-documenting
> although I don't know how feasible that is without opening up the named
> properties can of worms globally.

I like that its just arrays, PHP is not exclusively OOP, so making this an
OOP feature doesn't make sense to me.

A library like Doctrine can always add the meaning on top, for example

class User

Again resolving this against namespaces for example inside Doctrine
Annotations itself, like its done right now.

> Either way, the advantage then is that I know what annotations are
> available, and the class itself serves as documentation for what it is,
> what it does, and what its options are.  It also helps address collisions
> if two different libraries both want to use the same keyword; we already
> have a class name resolution mechanism that works and everyone is familiar
> with.

> One concern is that not all classes necessarily make sense as an
> annotation; perhaps only classes with a certain interface can be used.
> Actually (thinking aloud here), that would be a possible solution to the
> named property issue.  To wit:

This is why it should be just arrays, using classes suddenly tons of
special things can happen and must be thought of.

> <<AThing(a => 'a', b => 'b')>>
> foo() {}
> class AThing implements Attribute {
>   public static function attributeCreate(array $params) {
>     return new static($param['a'], $param['b']);
>   }
> }
> $r  = new ReflectionFunction('foo');
> $a = $r->getAttributes();
> $a is now an array of one element, an instance of AThing, created with 'a'
> and 'b'.  The specifics here are probably terrible, but the general idea of
> using classes to define annotations is, I think, a big step forward for
> documentation and avoiding multi-library collisions.
> While I know some of the things Drupal 8 is using annotations for are
> arguably excessive (and I would agree with that argument in some cases), as
> is I fear the proposed system is too free-form and rudimentary for Drupal
> to switch to them.

You can build any kind of structure on top of $refl->getAttributes() inside
your framework (Drupal in this case)

> --
> --Larry Garfield
> --
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