On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 4:51 PM, Dmitry Stogov <dmi...@zend.com> wrote:
>> About expressions, isn't there an ambigoutiy? <<test(1)>> is a "plain"
>> name, value based attribute. But it could also be an ast\node of a function
>> call to "test(1)"
> even in AST scalars are scalars.
> so <<test(1+2)>> would return: ast\node "+" with two children int(1) and
> int(2).
> I am wondering if they shouldn't get their own start/end signs to clear
>> that up, <<<test(1)>> vs <<test(1)>>.
> no need for extra complication.
> Since the encapsulated meta-data is an AST, and as you say any valid php
expression will be valid here, what about bit shifting?

<<Test(FOO >> BAR)>>

Are there concerns about finding the T_SR token, which is also the end
annotation symbol? I've not done any work in the parser, so excuse me if
that is an insanely stupid question :)

Otherwise, I think this RFC looks great, and appreciate your work on this :)


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