This is amazing.  It would actually allow us to implement our automated
assertions ourselves, as opposed to requiring it within the language.

Could it also support references?

function foo($a) {

On 21 Apr 2016 10:13 p.m., "Dmitry Stogov" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to present an RFC proposing support for native annotation.
> The naming, syntax and behavior are mostly influenced by HHVM Hack, but
> not exactly the same.
> The most interesting difference is an ability to use arbitrary PHP
> expressions as attribute values.
> These expressions are not evaluated, but stored as Abstract Syntax Trees,
> and later may be accessed (node by node) in PHP extensions, preprocessors
> and PHP scripts their selves. I think this ability may be useful for
> "Design By Contract", other formal verification systems, Aspect Oriented
> Programming, etc
> Note that this approach is going to be native, in contrast to doc-comment
> approach that uses not well defined syntax, and even not parsed by PHP
> itself.
> Additional ideas, endorsement and criticism are welcome.
> Thanks. Dmitry.

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