Morning Dmitry,

    I'm not really happy with the voting options here.

    I would not vote in favour of a patch that does not include support for
AST, that's a completely different feature.

    As it is, I have to vote yes in favour of AST, but it may be counted as
a vote in favour of attributes without AST ...

    This doesn't seem right ... I don't want attributes without AST, and
there is no voting option to reflect that.


On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 11:09 PM, Björn Larsson <>

> Den 2016-05-11 kl. 00:00, skrev Dmitry Stogov:
>> On 05/11/2016 12:29 AM, Björn Larsson wrote:
>>> Den 2016-05-10 kl. 20:29, skrev Dmitry Stogov:
>>> Hi internals,
>>>> I've started voting on "PHP Attributes" RFC.
>>>> In my opinion, "PHP Attributes" might be a smart tool for PHP
>>>> extension, but it's not going to be the end of the world, if we decided to
>>>> live with doc-comments only.
>>>> Thanks. Dmitry.
>>>> Thanks for the good work. Regarding naming, I googled
>>> "PHP attributes" vs "PHP annotations" and looking at the
>>> result, my view is that that Annotation is a better naming
>>> then Attributes. Any hope in changing it?
>> The more I listen to arguments of adepts of existing PHP annotation
>> systems, the more I think, that "PHP attributes" is the right name for this
>> proposal.
>> This feature is not just for PHP annotation systems.
> Thats a fair point, so Annotation it's not. Still, when I hear PHP
> attributes I associate it with class / function attributes. Maybe
> just a question getting used to the naming. Hm, wonder if PHP
> directives could have been an option?
> Regards //Björn
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