
> Do you get my point that a reference to a closure is state? And if it's
global state, that's extremely bad - the entire PHP community is fighting
like hell to avoid that, with PSR-7 and layers of abstraction on top of,
well, everything, in order to make code testable.
What is the difference with autoload stask? This is global state too.

> the main problem you appear to be solving, is that htmlspecialchars() is
too long and ugly and inconvenient,
Sorry, this IS NOT main problem. I repeated this many times, in discussion
and in RFC.

> the registry in Symfony (at least, I don't know about Twig) is inside an
instance - it's not global state.
You can use your own implementation of PHP escaper, without a registry.

> so the caller knows precisely what the result it, because only the caller
can know the context and intent.
The caller can use its own implementation. PHPEscaper is just default
implementation for those who don't want to care about it.


> But then there is no way to restore the previous handler.
Why? You can get a callable value from getHandlers() and store it into
Escaping does not require a stack like SPL autoload. We don't need to
encode an apostrophe as '#039' and as 'apos' in different parts of template.
If we need to preapre e.g. some XML template, we can 'use MyXMLEscaper as
PHPEscaper' and implement there any encoding we need.

> Stuff that is added to the core needs to cover all use-cases, not just
the typical ones.
What is such use case, could you give some example? And yes, it is possible
to write own implementation, with stack.

> Then please copy the set_error_handler behaviour
set_error_handler is invented for, hm, error handling. As I think. the use
case for escaping handlers is "if there is no handler for 'js', define this
handler". So, with a behavior like set_error_handler(), registerHandler()
will just overwrite existing handler, and we will have to check existsing
handlers before a call of registerHandler(), instead of just to check
returned result.
Ok, I will change this behavior.

Rasmus and Marcio

>> adding a global registry for that is overkill, and the whole
>> problem would go away if you could simply autoload functions:
>>  <h1><?= html($title) ?></h1>

> Agree with that, making functions easier to use seems more appealing to

Why do you talking about autoloading?
We can now define a global function h() which will call any function we
want. For escaping this is not a problem, unlike a big set of functions
from some namespace (e.g. like specific math functions). So, function
autoloading is another problem.
Advice about global function which was written in 2002 here
https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=16007. But the problem with HTML escaping
is still present.

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