> Hacking non FQN resolutions to inject another
> escaper implementation as in "<?php use MyEscaper as PHPEscaper; ?>" was a
> creative idea but it seems inconsistent with the preferable "PHP way" to
> handle these edge cases.

Just imagine use cases like:
<?php use MyTextPlainEscaper as PHPEscaper; ?>
<?php use MyCsvEscaper as PHPEscaper; ?>
<?php use MyXmlEscaperIso as PHPEscaper; ?>
<?php use MyXmlEscaperUtf as PHPEscaper; ?>
<?php use MyVCardEscaper as PHPEscaper; ?>

That way people can use the escaping operator in all kinds of templates with 
their own implementations.


Marcio Almada wrote on 17.07.2016 05:49:

> 2016-07-16 11:33 GMT-04:00 Michael Vostrikov <michael.vostri...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello.
>> I have created RFC about context-dependent escaping operator.
>> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/escaping_operator
>> Initial discussion was here: http://marc.info/?t=146619199100001
> Hi,
> A few possible RFC improvements:
> 1. Is there any specific reason why we're using a class instead of
> functions to register a callable the same way it's done for exception
> handling or error handling? Hacking non FQN resolutions to inject another
> escaper implementation as in "<?php use MyEscaper as PHPEscaper; ?>" was a
> creative idea but it seems inconsistent with the preferable "PHP way" to
> handle these edge cases.
> 2 . Is there any rationale why we're using strings separated by '|' to pass
> context instead of an array? Ex.:
> <?* $str, ['js', 'html'] ?>
> 3. I think the default implementation should throw a more specific
> exception in case of unknown context (\PHP\EscapeException?) -
> currently it's throwing \Exception. The reason for that is because log
> level and handling may be more severe in case of failing escaping.
> Userland implementations should be encouraged to throw the same specific
> exception too (documentation could enforce that).
> 4. This line on your patch is unnecessary:
> https://github.com/michael-vostrikov/php-src/commit/571cd7c88488a08c82b10f0c3af559881f1a2951#diff-7eff82c2c5b45db512a9dc49fb990bb8R274
> In general this RFC looks better than the expected considering the previous
> discussions. Please, keep improving :)
> Best,
> Márcio.

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