2016-07-16 11:33 GMT-04:00 Michael Vostrikov <michael.vostri...@gmail.com>:
> Hello.
> I have created RFC about context-dependent escaping operator.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/escaping_operator
> Initial discussion was here: http://marc.info/?t=146619199100001


A few possible RFC improvements:

1. Is there any specific reason why we're using a class instead of
functions to register a callable the same way it's done for exception
handling or error handling? Hacking non FQN resolutions to inject another
escaper implementation as in "<?php use MyEscaper as PHPEscaper; ?>" was a
creative idea but it seems inconsistent with the preferable "PHP way" to
handle these edge cases.

2 . Is there any rationale why we're using strings separated by '|' to pass
context instead of an array? Ex.:

<?* $str, ['js', 'html'] ?>

3. I think the default implementation should throw a more specific
exception in case of unknown context (\PHP\EscapeException?) -
currently it's throwing \Exception. The reason for that is because log
level and handling may be more severe in case of failing escaping.
Userland implementations should be encouraged to throw the same specific
exception too (documentation could enforce that).

4. This line on your patch is unnecessary:

In general this RFC looks better than the expected considering the previous
discussions. Please, keep improving :)


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