On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> During normal development I usually only run either Zend/ tests, or the
> tests in the extension I'm modifying (the rest is what CI is for).
> Parallelizing by directory will speed up our CI builds (which is important,
> we're often suffering from timeouts), but probably not help much during
> development.

The best way to address that is probably to split some of those 1600
general Zend/tests into sub-directories to get better concurrency when
running all the Zend tests. I think we are in for a world of hurt if we try
to run adjacent tests in parallel. Anything that hits any sort of
datastore, even if it is just the filesystem, will break badly.


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