"Sara Golemon" wrote in message news:CAESVnVp6OKB64WuO9iKEP=l9-qrrfjs+kcoekykulruff-r...@mail.gmail.com...

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 8:59 AM, Tony Marston <tonymars...@hotmail.com> wrote:
People who think that case sensitive software is cool are deluding
themselves. When I started working on mainframe computers (UNIVAC and IBM) in the early 1970s everything was case-insensitive. This was only changed by
people who did not understand the ramifications of their choice.

Yeah, decades of C/C++/Java developers are so dumb, like... fer reals.
Friggin' script kiddies, the lot of 'em.


If the first programming languages in the first computers were case insensitive, then that should be the standard. Those who introduced case sensitive languages at a later date should be forced to justify that decision. It is the same for file systems - all the pre-unix systems I worked on were case insensitive, as have been all versions of Microsoft Windows. Then unix came along and FUBAR'd everything. Any advantages of case sensitive systems are ALWAYS outweighed by their disadvantages.

A similar cockup occurred with line endings. The original convention on teletypes was to use line-feed (LF) and carriage-return (CR) together which have separate meanings and could either be used independently or together. Then some clueless newbies came along and changed everything so that some OSes use just LF while others use just just CR. This now causes problems when transferring files from one OS to another. This shows what happens when "friggin' script kiddies" (your words, not mine) come up with an idea without understanding what the current convention is.

Tony Marston

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