On 14.09.2017 at 14:59, Tony Marston wrote:

> Introducing case sensitivity into what is mostly a case-insensitive
> world just for the convenience of a few programmers I do not consider to
> be acceptable. It would cause more problems for far more people than the
> insignificant few who insist on using obscure character sets. Why should
> the English-speaking world be forced to suffer just because some minor
> languages cannot handle case folding?

This is not about an "insignificant few who insist on using obscure
character sets", but rather about a language spoken by millions of
people which has to "I" characters, namely dotted and dotless "I".
Rather consistently, the dotless "I"'s lower-case variant is "ı", and
the dotted "İ"'s lower-case variant is "i".  There you go.

Christoph M. Becker

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