
> It's absolutely impossible to treat notices as errors in PHP, so I
> assume everybody thinks the same. If someone converts notices to
> ErrorExceptions or something, it's their fault.
> A notice in tests is exactly what a deprecation is supposed to do, force
> people to update their code.

If you force people to do something, by definition it is not "Backwards
Incompatible Changes: None". If it were none, people would not be forced
to do anything.

> Regarding the notice level, it's a bit confusing picking one.
> E_DEPRECATED, E_STRICT, E_NOTICE... I'm not sure what it should be.

You should write all the details in the RFC. If you are not sure what to
choose, write "I am not sure which one to choose here, options are X, Y
and Z".
Stas Malyshev

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