On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 11:09 AM Trevor Suarez <ric...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In any case, I feel like its usually the last place where I see
> announcements made.

I'll take exception to that.  I've been pushing both branches of the last
several releases, and tweeting about it just after the announcements are
visible on news.php.net.
So no, if it's the last place you're seeing it, then you're only visiting
fortune tellers.

> For example, there's no tweet yet about the
> announcement/availability of the PHP 7.3.0 release.
> Because I batch them, and the 7.0.33 announcement hasn't gone out yet.
When that announcement happens, you'll see a tweet.

> Its not a huge deal, really, but I follow a lot of PHP community members
> that have all tweeted about 7.3.0 and I'd like to point people to the
> official account for official announcements.

Because Europeans have different sleeping hours than Americans.

> Maybe, in the future, tweeting from that account can be made a part of
> coordinating an announcement? Just a thought. :)
> It is already.

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