On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 11:08 AM Sara Golemon <poll...@php.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 11:09 AM Trevor Suarez <ric...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In any case, I feel like its usually the last place where I see
>> announcements made.
> I'll take exception to that.  I've been pushing both branches of the last
> several releases, and tweeting about it just after the announcements are
> visible on news.php.net.
> So no, if it's the last place you're seeing it, then you're only visiting
> fortune tellers.
>> For example, there's no tweet yet about the
>> announcement/availability of the PHP 7.3.0 release.
>> Because I batch them, and the 7.0.33 announcement hasn't gone out yet.
> When that announcement happens, you'll see a tweet.
>> Its not a huge deal, really, but I follow a lot of PHP community members
>> that have all tweeted about 7.3.0 and I'd like to point people to the
>> official account for official announcements.
> Because Europeans have different sleeping hours than Americans.
>> Maybe, in the future, tweeting from that account can be made a part of
>> coordinating an announcement? Just a thought. :)
>> It is already.

Haha, all fair points.

What made me actually post this though, is that I saw you personally tweet
about it, Sara, along with a few others, and didn't see it on the official

Sorry if I was way off base here. Keep up the good work. :)

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