> On 3 Feb 2019, at 7:17, Ben Ramsey <b...@benramsey.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019, at 11:04, Zeev Suraski wrote:
>> I'm honestly a bit perplexed by how many people here viewing Windows
>> support as a must have, while at the same time I think we all agree PHP is
>> very scarcely found on production Windows servers, and JIT is a
>> predominantly production feature.
> While this is anecdotal, I think you might find a different perspective from 
> user group organizers. I've encountered many user group members over the 
> years who run PHP on Windows. It's more common that they develop on Windows 
> and deploy to Linux, but I do know those who also deploy to Windows in 
> production.
This is actually very consistent with my experience, including some hard data I 
have from relevant (even if it 100% representative) download and usage stats.  
Windows is an extremely popular platform for developing PHP on - in fact, from 
the data I have (which isn’t conclusive) - it’s even more popular than Linux in 
certain demographics.  But much like you say, this dev scenario is more common 
(I would say a lot more common) than it is to see Windows in production - which 
does not come to say it’s non existent in prod, just that it’s a lot less 

> That's not to say I personally think that Windows support is a must-have for 
> JIT, but it's definitely important for many of the people in the user groups 
> I've worked with.

I’m not against having support for Windows at all.  I do think that much of the 
discussion here ensued because it wasn’t completely clear that JIT is geared 
pretty much exclusively at production systems.  Personally, I see Windows 
support as between nice-to-have and important, but not as a must.  In other 
words, if we can bring this boost to the vast majority of production systems, 
not being able to bring it to a (I believe small) minority of these systems 
shouldn’t be a deal breaker.  I respect that others may have a different view, 
as long as it’s clear to everyone that JIT is indeed almost exclusively geared 
at production.


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