Am Do., 7. Feb. 2019, 10:27 hat BohwaZ/PHP <> geschrieben:

> Le 04/02/2019 01:14, azjezz a écrit :
> > In my opinion, current design looks old, outdated and bland. This
> > sadly may reflect "badly" on the language reputation nowadays.
> I find that the main PHP website is quite good actually, the design
> looks modern, it is quite clear and easy to use and it provides great
> access to documentation.

Yeah, I think so, too. Thank you Levi et al!

> I have to say the PHP documentation is usually great (and when it's not,
> just change it :) ), and the feature where you can just type
> to get direct access  to the documentation of a
> function/feature is great, although it doesn't search in methods, eg.
> will not return anything about PDOStmt::setParam

Could not find anything about PDOStmt::setParam either, but I fixed it for
You're welcome ;)

I also love the comments feature, people often provide great examples,
> tips or replacement functions for old PHP versions, this is very
> helpful!
> So I don't think that we need to redesign and start over, but iterate
> and make the current website better, please don't throw out what is
> already good :) It would be a recipe for disaster.
> But I have to agree that signing to the internals list wasn't an easy
> task as the website form wasn't working when I subscribed 2 years ago,
> but it might have been fixed?
> > # FrontEnd Framework
> >
> > We don't need that too, but we can use one ! there's some light-weight
> > options out there.
> Please only use HTML and CSS, don't use a JS framework. The website
> should be future-proof and not broken and hard to maintain in 6 months.
> Also it should be lightweight and not download a bunch of code just to
> display stuff. HTML and CSS are more than plenty for our needs :)
> --
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