Hi Christoph

Den tor. 2. maj 2019 kl. 14.56 skrev Christoph M. Becker <cmbecke...@gmx.de>:
> A problem is that the ext/pdo_firebird tests rely on ext/interbase to
> create a test database[1], which would require everybody who intends to
> run these tests to install PECL/interbase package now.  It would be
> great if somebody would rewrite this, so interbase would no longer be a
> dependency of the pdo_firebird tests.
> [1] <https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/PHP-7.4/ext/pdo_firebird/tests
> /testdb.inc>

Yeah that is one thing that is kind of unfortunate and a bad practice.
However since interbase was disabled for AppVeyor, these tests had no
chance to run in a while. Looking at the actual code in testdb.inc, it
seems like it creates the database for testing purposes, I would
suppose this is due to PDO_Firebird perhaps requiring a database to
continue its connection flow in PDO itself.

I'm not sure how we can go about this, maybe a .sql file for testers
who run the test suite for schemas and then see if we can integrate
some auto importer in our CI build scripts for this special case? (In
the case we cannot go around PDO). Either way the test files requires
a manual touch to configure credentials to run.

I'm personally fine with the simple solution, thoughts?

(ps. Thanks for the fix for the AppVeyor part I missed)


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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