Hey Midory, Hey all.

Am 20.09.19 um 09:30 schrieb Midori Koçak:
> Wow.
> A RFC that it's motivation is to prevent beginners from asking questions.

Is it?

I'm citing from the RFC:

> This explicitly wouldn't apply to 'positive' conversations. e.g. if someone 
> asks for help, and you want to contact them in private to offer them help, 
> that would be fine. It's only when a conversation is adversarial that the 
> conversation should remain on list.

It is not motivated at preventing beginners from asking questions. On
the contrary. IMO it encourages them to do so. But one of the first
questions should perhaps be who would be willing to answer
newcomer-questions off-list. I believe that a newcomer will learn much
more with one or two mentors than by asking all the questions to the list.

So the motivation is *not* to stop beginners to ask questions, but to
prevent the list being flooded by questions that can be handled in a
better way for all involved people.

> That's horrible.

Yes it would be, would that be the intention. I'd like to repeat myself
here: The intention is to keep disruptions to a minimum.
>  I rather prefer a CoC. What about this? https://confcodeofconduct.com/

Let's tackle one goal after the other. While having a CoC is a good
thing, that I personally would like the PHP-Project to have, I still
remember the last discussions on that topic and they were as disruptive
as the current ones....

And I – again – want to quote the RFC on that:

> This RFC does not propose a comprehensive Code of Conduct, which will take a 
> significant amount of effort to draft carefully. This is a stop-gap measure 
> to allow us to use the internals newsgroup to be able to ship PHP 7.4 
> successfully. 


                                                             (o o)
| Andreas Heigl                                                       |
| mailto:andr...@heigl.org                  N 50°22'59.5" E 08°23'58" |
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