On 2009-03-03, Jens Jahnke <jan0...@gmx.net> wrote:
> MF> I am just curious to know what do ion3 users do to manage painlessly
> MF> usb devices and network profiles.

SafelyRemove <http://safelyremove.com/> is quite nice.

For Windows, that is.

> Tuomov has written up something that brings it quite to the point:
> http://modeemi.cs.tut.fi/~tuomov/b/archives/2008/10/29/T20_34_21/

An update: pmount is actually crap, because there's no way to
specify mount options. So FAT and NTFS are permissions are broken,
which most USB devices carry.

I can provide my ls-removable script that lists removable devices
and lets you mount/unmount with pmount by pressing a number, if
someone is interested. I don't have it right now with me.

However, at least in (X)ubuntu 8.10 they've managed to stop pmount
from working, apparently due to changes in /sys layout. It can't 
decide whether a device is removable. So much for that. The only
way I know of mounting without suding in my current not-much-used
Linux installation is to run Thunar. Sucks. Well, at least it uses
the label instead of the *random* device node name under /media, unlike
pmount. But /media sucks donkey balls. The Windows scheme of simple and
short drive letters is _so_ _much_ _more_ convenient to use. 

(Incidentally (X)ubuntu (8.10) must be one of the most broken operating
systems on planet earth. But Lenny wasn't much better: still no hibernate
out of the box, would need kernel compilation. No thanks. Not anymore. 
It only works if you sacrifice a goat before the act in Xubuntu too, 
though. If one wants reliability, one chooses Windows today. Wouldn't
have guessed it ten years ago. 

And when Xubuntu does actually wake up from suspend or hibernate, I 
really don't like seeing the display contents flash before the screen
lock activates... What a total POS: gnome-power-damager. Crapware, 
where switching to AC lowers screen brightness! (8.04) Idiotic crap 
without absolute battery backlight levels, but rather adjustment 
percentages and rounding, that causes drift.)

Stop Gnomes and other pests! Purchase Windows today!

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