
It seems that with USB sticks the only option you have (apart from
finding and mounting them manually) is HAL-based automounting, for
example, HAL + ivman + pmount. Then you can add some nice tricks with
mod_ionflux, for example, create a menu with all mounted drives and
commands to unmount & eject them.

With network profiles you actually have a lot of options, starting from
ifupdown scripts in Debian, where you can specify a profile manually,
through 'divine', a nice small program that is able to send ARP requests
to specified hosts to check if they are on the network and then
configure the interface, to 'guessnet' - a plug-in for ifupdown, which
can do the same things as 'divine' and some more.

While the last configuration (ifupdown + guessnet) is quite complex to
set up, it offers you the most flexibility - for example. your laptop
can select network profiles based on the ESSID of the Wi-Fi access point
you are connected to, or on the presence of specific hosts on the wired
network, and you can always override the selection manually.

On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 12:29:06AM -0500, Mico Filós wrote:
> Hi,
> I am just curious to know what do ion3 users do to manage painlessly
> usb devices and network profiles.
> I've done my tinkering with udev to configure my usb gadgets, but when
> I have to read others' pendrives I simply spend an embarassingly long
> time trying to figure out what node the device is attached to (plus
> additional time spent on mount points & permissions issues). I've
> heard that graphical environments like gnome or kde do that quite
> automatically, but I don't see why a non-graphical environment could
> not do the same thing.
> The same goes for managing network profiles in a laptop. Gnome has
> network-manager, a graphical tool that seems to do a good job. Again,
> there is no need to rely on a widget to do this kind of task, but I
> haven't found yet a convincing non-graphical solution.
> Any ideas?
> Best

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