On 2009-03-07, Mico Filós <elmico.fi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you all for your feedback. I will play with the scripts a little...

While you're at it, write ion-power-manager. Something simple 
and reliable to replace the awful bloated and complicated 
gnome and kde crap. No fucking HAL crap; just talk to /sys,
acpi, whatever. Can be Thinkpad-specific. Indeed probably 
should be based on plugins specific to particular computer
models or classes instead of over-engineered low-level 

(I tried reading the gnome-power-damager code to see how it works... 
with the effort I put into it, I couldn't make heads and tails
of how it's interacting with other HAL/DBus crap; how the XSync 
extension is supposed to keep track of idle times -- the documentation
of the extension is poor at best -- if it is supposed to do that. 
You have to trace a gazillion levels of indirection.

I'd probably just use the screensaver extension for idle timing, 
if it can be tricked into multiple timeouts. After all, you want
to run the screen lock _before_  suspend/hibernate; the scripts
should synchronise the locking program startup, or just include
the screen lock in the power manager. The Gnome crap doesn't do 
this, and all the system-level scripts have finished restoring 
the system from suspension -- when all the sun spots are correctly
aligned and it all works -- before it seems to run the locker, 
which is a big gleaming security black hole.

But it's a lot of work to do all that, and for now Windows mostly
works for me. I'm really liking _reliable_ suspend and hibernate
in Windowsland, foobar2k, undervolting -- even that requires a fucking
kernel patch on the piece of shit Linux -- etc. Finally even managed
to get locales/UTF-8 working in Cygwin: the trick is to use
LC_CTYPE=C-UTF-8.UTF-8. The biggest problem ATM is getting a cygwin
version of darcs. If it doesn't work out, I may have to switch to 
Mercurial for Ion and my other projects.)

In 1995, Linux was almost a bicycle; an alternative way of live to the
Windows petrol beasts that had to be taken to the dealer for service.
By 2008, Linux has bloated into a gas-guzzler, and local vendors and
artisans have had to yield to "all under one roof" big box hypermarkets.

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