On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, mobi phil wrote:
>> Xmonad: Very well written, fast, and customizable. But since it's
>> Haskell-based, you have to install a metric shitload of Haskell
>> dependencies.
> I am almost convinced that I would have ended up with Xnomad, but had
> the same problem with the metric shitload :) apt-get install xmonad
> said: do you want me to install 300MB of shitload? My answer was not
> darling :)

If you like Xmonad, but would like it to be slimmer, then you may want
to try dwm.

On Wed, 18 Nov 2009, joqueza wrote:
> dwm: You have to recompile it every time you change something. It's
> just not versatile enough for my tastes.

Yes, you have to recompile dwm to change its settings, but it is fast
and easy, and once you find your `perfect' settings, you are set.

Best regards
Tibor Simko

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