On Wednesday, 28 February 2018 16:54:09 PST Gregg Reynolds wrote:
> > You're going to see them usually only on non-physical services, like
> > creating
> > a group of devices, a scene, an ACL, etc.
> Is it possible to CREATE an ACL? Or more generally, an SVR? You can UPDATE
> /oic/sec/acl2, but CREATE is a 'nother story.

Please take this as an example of an abstract (intangential) resource that 
could be modeled with creation on demand. That's not how the implementation 
actually does it.

> The only use case I can see for CREATE (for applications) is "virtual"
> application-level stuff, like  a "room" containing a bunch of sensors, etc.
> Or a "floor" containing rooms. I suppose theoretically you could CREATE a
> resource that manipulates SVR stuff indirectly (bypassing the OCF securiity
> mechanisms). What else does it make sense to CREATE?

Like that. See Wouter's reply for more possibilities.

> > If you have a physical or fixed
> > service, then it already exists and cannot be deleted (short of
> > transferring
> > ownership to another user)
> Cannot be CREATEd, ok, but why can I not DELETE whatever I please?

Sure, go ahead. Send HTTP DELETE commands to random webpages and see what 
happens. You'll likely find that you're going to get one of the denied errors 
for everything, except for resources that were PUT in the first place.

It makes little sense to be able to delete resources that you can't recreate.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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