On Thursday, 15 March 2018 01:19:07 PDT Nadavd wrote:
Hi Dev

So to answer to Thiago Macieira, my company is not building devices , we
are building software for different OS devices.

This is why i will not be able to fix the devices we are working on.
Fair enough. Do you have a specific device you know that IPv6 does not work
on? This is important for us to know how relevant those devices are.
I used Android Box devices like Xiaomi mi box, and TP-link Router

I watched the network with Wireshark on the AP (router) to see the
packets that goes throw it and found out that in the first 5 minutes
there aren't any packets from the client while i am trying to do
discovery with only IPv4, only after 5 minutes from installation.
Ok, this means the device didn't send it. The next question is to determine
whether IoTivity attempted to send. My guess is it didn't.

To be sure that i was right' i tried to build my own multicast socket
with C level with NDK on android and it worked as i installed the
Is this test application started at the same time as the IoTivity one? Or even

The test application run in a different time, before the iotivity and also after
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