RFC 7668, IPv6 over BLUETOOTH(R) Low Energy 
  says "

This document describes how IPv6 is transported

   over Bluetooth low energy using IPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal

   Area Network (6LoWPAN) techniques."

(Bonus points to anybody who can explain what "IPv6 is transported .. using 
IPv6..." means.)

Ok, I’ll take the bonus points…

The expansion of the 6LoWPAN acronym is “IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal 
Area Networks”, and 6LoWPAN is a collection of technologies that include RFCs 
4944, 6282, 6775 (which are referenced later in that doc) and possibly others.

So it’s saying that “IPv6 over BT low energy” is defined using 6LoWPAN 
technologies, meaning using those RFCs.

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