Morten, thanks for posting mortem!

I deeply hope that this is the postmortem and the project will start to be 
healthy again.

Thanks @Morten :)


AllJoyn seemed to do a little better in this regard. A few things I saw they 
did that I feel OCF is lacking:

  1.  A broadly available product like LIFX for developers to play with.
  2.  Very easy developer tooling to build devices and clients. Visual Studio’s 
AllJoyn Studio plugin for building and consuming devices and a device discovery 
tool for interrogating and understanding devices made it really easy to get 
going. There was supposed to be an equivalent for OCF and it was announced a 
little over a year ago, but that project has since died out and never shipped 
(the reason I was told was mainly because of #1).
  3.  Pre-compiled bits. Don’t make me compile everything. Just give me a 
package I can reference so I can get started with building what I’m really 
interested in. Put them on NuGet, Maven etc where developers normally fetch SDK 
  4.  Blog posts. Lots of examples for all sorts of platforms. Perhaps a 
contest on
  5.  Alljoyn had several Community Ambassadors that did various events and 
help promote AllJoyn.
  6.  The AllJoyn leadership group did lots of outreach to the community, 
retweeted/promoted various community work etc.

Now I don’t  think AllJoyn got a lot of community contribution directly back to 
the source, but I honestly don’t think that’ll happen until you get a community 
that’s passionate about building on top of OCF first. AllJoyn just never really 
got to that point before it was made obsolete.

I really do think step one is getting a broadly available consumer product 
that’s cheap and useful would be a good starting point. I don’t think I ever 
met anyone building AllJoyn stuff “for fun” who hadn’t started their baby steps 
with a LIFX bulb.

When OCF started, I instantly dropped my AllJoyn .NET/Mono wrapper work and 
started over on top of OCF. I got a little bit ways, but to be honest got bored 
and confused because I didn’t have any real devices to test with and learn 
from. The services in the samples just didn’t “cut it”, and it got boring, plus 
I felt I was messing with made-up examples like a remote-controlled elevator 
(would you get on such a thing?) and nothing “real-world”, not to mention I 
spent a rather large amount of time figuring out how to build those samples and 
run them (even when I compiled them they wouldn’t run out of the box, because 
the right DLL weren’t copied to the output folder, which sort of hits #3 above).

Just my $0.02.


From: Gregg Reynolds<>
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 1:34 PM
To: iotivity-dev<>
Subject: [dev] Where are the devs?

It seems obvious to me (I could be wrong) that OCF is the best way to go for 
iot stuff. Yet the iotivity project has conspicuously failed to attract a 
developer community. It's great that the big dogs are paying their people to 
work on it, but as far as I can see there are very few independent contributors.


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