On Tue, Jun 5, 2018, 4:18 PM Morten Nielsen <m...@iter.dk> wrote:

> The device: how about a light bulb I can cheaply get at Amazon?

Ok, so name it. You don't expect me to support everything, I hope.

> Second: bazel?!? Let me double click and open a solution and hit build in
> visual studio, the step through the code so I can understand jt.

No. A dev who freaks when confronted with a command line is a amateur.
Ioticity is not for amateurs. There's a reason Microsoft has decided to
officially support bash. It's for professionals.

Forgot command line.
It's not easy enough for step one. Don't make me learn another build system
> as step 1. That's losing people immediately.

Frankly, I don't care about those people. And anyway who said anything
about learning another build system? You don't need to know anything about
Bazel to execute "$ bazel build myapp". Any more than you need to know how
make works to do "$ make".

> Next: there's platform APIs like Java. Where's the off client APIs hosted
> on maven that I just reference? Or .net APIs on nuget? Or all the other
> places app developers generally get their APIs for extending their apps.

Respectfully, I don't know what you mean by "platform API". you mean
language binding?

But also I don't think you have thought this all the way through. Java
binding- which architecture? You want to "just reference" a maven artifact?
It's not, and cannot be, mere Java.

 I think your thinking about this all wrong. Java is just another language
binding. For OpenOCF I've split it off into a separate repo, but I'm
rethinking that.

But either way, it doesn't matter with Bazel. You build your app, and any
deps also get built, but only if needed.

Honestly, I recommend you spend some time working with Bazel before you
decide it won't work. I've worked with more build systems than I care to
count, and Bazel is orders of magnitude better than any of them (with the
possible exception of Boot, but that is clojure-specific).

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