TL;DR> Important work needing New WG in Routing Area.

Hi, I thought I had read previous versions of RISAV... maybe under a
different draft name.  I find this version much better than I saw before.

I have some specific technical comments about how to make this work simpler,
but that's not a topic for SECDISPATCH.  This document proposes to amend AH
to distinguish it from other uses of AH, and I think that this is a very good
idea.  AH has essentially no deployment at this point, and so this is rather
a good plan.

The concerns that I have about this document is that the IPsec/AH parts of it
are rather simple.  The IPv6 header insertion and MTU parts of this document
are, I think very controversial given the SR6 experience: SR6 was said to be
always within an AS, and that any leaks would be a bug.  But, the ENTIRE
point of RISAV is to communicate between ASs.

I also think that there is a lot of BGP-like TE that is missing from this
proposal.   Although I run a BGP AS with multiple uplinks, I don't know all
the latest stuff about MED and how to deal with situations where two ISPs
connect in multiple places.

The other concern that I have with RISAV is that it seems unreasonable that
an AS have only a single ACS.  Maybe this can be accomplished via an anycast
situation, which to me implies some kind of MOBIKE-like situation where the
anycast IKEv2 respond answers with it's topologically useful IP.
I can imagine a situation where the ACS together, pick an appropriate pair of
ASBRs to form a tunnel between them.

Should a global ISP should be hairpinning traffic across the Pacific when it
secures traffic between two AsiaPacific entities?

While this could be dispatched to IPSECME, I don't think that is the right
choice.  I think that we might need a new WG in the routing area with a SecAD
owning it.

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-                      *I*LIKE*TRAINS*

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