And the registry has already been created:


From: BIER [] On Behalf Of Greg Shepherd
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2018 8:39 AM
To: Tony Przygienda <>
Cc:;; Xiejingrong <>; Jeff 
Tantsura <>;; Eric C 
Rosen <>
Subject: Re: [Bier] [Isis-wg] WGLC : draft-ietf-bier-isis-extensions-07.txt

For the record, there is no SR Registry. There is only an IGP Algo Type 
Registry as defined in draft-ietf-ospr-segment-routing-extensions-24 section 8.5

More inline:

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 8:25 AM, Tony Przygienda 
<<>> wrote:
Under 8-bit artistic license granted by Acee herewith ;-)

First, I want to emphasize that this is IETF LC (called by Greg as shepherding 
WG chair) which means chairs have no further function so we all can only speak 
as individuals only .

2nd, I oppose any suggestion to align any kind of SR registry with BAR registry 
using 8 bits on couple of very simple grounds that my co-participants may have 

a)       No IGP or SR working group has any charter to mandate any of the BIER 
technology so as well-meant the suggestion seems to be, it has no standing in 
IETF working procedures as far as I can see unless according charters are 
extended by ADs. Unless I'm missing something here.

If a WG points to a registry of any kind, a draft is all that is needed to 
justify an new entry in the registry.

b)       More as a question: Can we even publish an RFC now (experimental) 
pointing to an SR draft as normative? And if, how do we move it to intended 
standards track unless SR draft is a standards RFC?

Nobody is asking to reference it now. The current issue on the table to to 
leave it undefined with only default value, so let's stick with the current 

c)       Probably most importantly, technically, In case any of the SR 
computations starts to rely on elements advertised in SR to perform the 
computations, deployment of BIER will precondition deployment of SR in the 
network. Worse, if we need computation that needs BIER specific elements in its 
course, that would mean we have SR becoming aware of a multicast technology 
underneath. Unicast computations are simply not multicast computations 
longer-term  (and I had discussions about couple such cases already). Having 
multicast specific elements being considered in unicast computations and 
multicast computations being "standardized" in unicast computations couples 
everything with everything again known as the big-ball-of-yarn (unless THAT is 
the intention). In long experience things like this are simply a very bad 
architecture (TM ;-).

Again, it's an IGP Algo registry. It's documentation. There are no dependencies 
other than our references, which right now we don't have any.

3rd, I thought about the issues involved in BAR probably longer than anyone on 
the list here (remember Tree ID ;-) and I have a meta issue to make and then a 
finer one

a)      Independent of whether we end up with 8 or 16 bits I think we need a 
firm BIER BAR registry in place here (expert review?) and some document to 
gather the BAR ideas. Sooner the better. Ideas as in this thread are coming in 
it would be good to channelize them to prevent codepoint squatting or 
replicated effort. In fact we have a draft we circulated and we decided to push 
out today to give a strawman framework to the discussed use-cases. Granted, 
only the new charter (if given to us) would allow this work to be adopted but 
it’s good to have a vessel to contain the ideas already IMO. So check the 
new-publication queue ;-)

b)      Then, if we consider BAR as purely “special BIER nexthop computation” 8 
bits sounds plenty but never underestimate new technology to stretch artistic 
boundaries and ideas you see here ;-) So if we think e.g. about things like the 
above mentioned draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-extensions-15 proposal playing 
a role one could imagine that the “SR algorithm registry” specifies an 
algorithm that BAR registry likes to use as well 1:1. Simple, we just allocate 
a BIER BAR codepoint that is mapped (or even same) to the SR UCAST codepoint in 
this case (well, let discussion whether we would have the charter to do that or 
go ask for permission in SPRING outstanding for now). And that could be done of 
course via a TLV as well by using a single “BAR # meaning it’s an SR algorithm” 
and then a BIER sub-tlv saying which one of those. But things get finer. Let’s 
say we use a BAR=1 as BIER computation saying “avoid all non-BIER routers”. 
Now, that’s cool but maybe SR defined an algorithm we want to use on top as in 
“compute SPF with enough bandwidth”. For that could have a funky TLV saying 
“any BAR computation should stack this SR computation on top” but it would be 
then way more elegant to have a 16 bit with 8bit BAR from registry and then 8 
bits of some context (in this example SR computation# to be stacked on top of 
the necessary BAR computation). Yes, that would precondition in such case 
simultaneous BIER and SR deployment but since then no technology forces 
mandatory use of another it’s flexible, open and nicely smelling. I hope at 
least some people could follow that and old IGP hands will see that this is 
actually as efficient in terms of actual implementation as a single set of 
constraints despite seeming complex.

I won’t stretch my artistic license further than 16 bits albeit there are even 
more interesting ideas I saw that would blow through this ;-) I probably owe 
Acee a beer in London already as it is.

So, in shorter form for the non-IGP cracks, I think 8 bits looks good but I see 
how 16 could have an elegance to channelize some of the suggestions (and get a 
"goldilocks solution"), if we e.g. decide to “stack algorithmic constraints 
from multiple technologies optionally on top of each other, each with its own 
registry that can refer to another”. This would accommodate also the proposal 
extended by Ice in a simple, clean, loosely coupled way by having 16 bits, 
first 8 bits as BIER type being a BIER BAR registry and 8 bits after that being 
“open” so e.g. being SR unicast registry number.
I do also think that if we get to such a consensus, adding text introducing 
test adding a BAR type/BAR subtype 16-bits field with a BAR type BIER registry 
into the documents is just a bit of text ...

As  I said, our draft will follow later today since some co-authors are in 
funky timezones ;-) …


--- tony

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 6:46 AM, Eric C Rosen 
<<>> wrote:
Ice's reasoning makes sense to me.

On 2/15/2018 3:11 AM, IJsbrand Wijnands (iwijnand) wrote:
Hi Folks,

I support 16 bits because of the following reasons.

For me it would make sense to align the Algorithm value to the "IGP Algorithm" 
registry. This registry is defined in:<>

In my opinion, this is going to cover 90% of the use-cases because BIER is 
defined to run over a unicast underlay, so what ever is done for Unicast, it 
will work for BIER automatically (like Flex Algo), and avoids to duplicate 
registries. However, this registry is also 8 bits. That means there is no room 
for anything else and I already know there are different options about this.

To avoid an other long debate/fight over these 8 bits, lets get more bits now 
so we don't corner our selfs. Its a minor change to the draft.

Lets not start a debate now on how BAR is used, as I'm sure we will not reach 
agreement  in time and we're gonna delay the IGP drafts. We can start a 
discussion after the IGP draft are through and what all the use-cases are we 
need to cover. I already look forward to those discussions :-)


Sent from my iPad

On 15 Feb 2018, at 07:24, Jeff Tantsura 
<<>> wrote:

I’d really like to see justification for anything larger than 8 bits.


On Feb 14, 2018, at 18:30, Acee Lindem (acee) 
<<>> wrote:

I agree. As a point of reference, we've only have defined two IGP algorithms so 
far and the segment routing draft dates back about 4 years.<>

Even with more artistic freedom afforded to multicast,  I still believe 256 
standard algorithms are enough.


On 2/14/18, 9:15 PM, "BIER on behalf of Dolganow, Andrew (Nokia - 
SG/Singapore)" <<> on behalf 
of<>> wrote:


  I would think 8 bits are sufficient. Others (like SegRtg mentioned below also 
use 8). 8 bits gives us tons of room to grow - especially since we have only a 
single value defined currently (SFP 0). If we have clear use cases that show us 
running out of 8 bits or getting close to that we can/should discuss and 
evaluate extensions in light of that but increasing the space "just in case" is 
not a prudent way to go.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: BIER <<>> on behalf of 
Xiejingrong <<>>
  Date: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 5:06 PM
  To: Arkadiy Gulko 
"<>" <<>>, 
  Subject: Re: [Bier] WGLC : draft-ietf-bier-isis-extensions-07.txt

      Hi Arkadiy,

      I checked the latest <draft-ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions-24> and 
<draft-ietf-isis-segment-routing-extensions-15> for reference and comparing, 
and they both use a 8 bits Algorithm.
      One of the description: "Algorithm: Single octet identifying the 

      Interesting to use more than 8 bits for BIER's future flexibility :-)


      -----Original Message-----
      From: BIER [] On Behalf Of<>
      Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 8:42 AM
      Subject: [Bier] WGLC : draft-ietf-bier-isis-extensions-07.txt

      Hello Working Group,
      After initial discussions between multiple participants of the working 
group, we consolidated that BIER's future flexibility would be well served if 
we extend the IGP signaling BAR field to 16 bits. We are currently reviewing 
various use-cases that can greatly benefit from this enhancement.
      I would appreciate if the proposed change could be considered as part of 
IETF Last Call review.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: BIER [] On Behalf Of<>
      Sent: Friday, February 09, 2018 5:11 PM
      Subject: [Bier] I-D Action: draft-ietf-bier-isis-extensions-07.txt

      A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 
      This draft is a work item of the Bit Indexed Explicit Replication WG of 
the IETF.

              Title           : BIER support via ISIS
              Authors         : Les Ginsberg
                                Tony Przygienda
                                Sam Aldrin
                                Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang
          Filename        : draft-ietf-bier-isis-extensions-07.txt
          Pages           : 10
          Date            : 2018-02-09

         Specification of an ISIS extension to support BIER domains and sub-

      The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

      There are also htmlized versions available at:

      A diff from the previous version is available at:

      Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of 
submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at<>.

      Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

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